Linux scripting course for beginners

Linux scripting course for beginners


Why learning shell scripting?


Learning Objectives




1- Basic User Commands

1- Log in/out & Navigating via Linux Command Line


2- Navigating Linux file system and more


3- Basic Linux User Commands


2- Introduction to Shells and Fish Bash Scripting

1- I/O Redirection and Pipes in Linux


2- Command Separation, Background Execution, & Filename Expansion


3- Shell Variables, Command Substitution, Quoting & Escaping Metacharacters


4- Fish shell Features


5- Command Execution, Startup Files & Customizing User Environment


3- Shell Programming

1- Linux Shell Scripts, Variables, Data Types and I/O


2- Linux Conditional Constructs- if/then and else/elif


3- for, while and until Looping Constructs in Linux


4- Basic Operators in Linux Shell


4- Advanced Shell Features

1- Manipulating Strings with Linux Shell


2- Writing and Calling Functions in Linux Shell


3- Command Line Arguments, Special Shell Variables & Advanced I/O


5- Text Manipulation Utilities

1- Editing and Manipulating Files in Linux Shell


2- Regular Expressions in Linux Shell


3- grep, egrep and sed in Linux Shell


4- Sorting in Scripts in Linux Shell


5- Working with awk in Linux Shell


6- Splitting Large Files, Transforming File Contents & Extracting Text Strings


6- Networking Commands

1- UNIX Network Applications


2- Internet Applications and Remote Access


3- Using Secure Shell or SSH


Project 1- Bash Scripting with 12 Examples

1- Using While Loop in Bash Scripting


2- Using For Loop in Bash Scripting


3- Bash Scripting Example- Get User Input


4- Using if statement in Bash Scripting


5- Using if statement with AND logic in Bash Scripting


6- Using if statement with OR logic in Bash Scripting


7- Using else if statement in Bash Scripting


8- Using Case Statement in Bash Scripting


9- Create Function in Bash Scripting


10- Create function with Parameters in Bash Scripting


11- Pass Return Value from Function in Bash Scripting


12- Get Parse Current Date in Bash Scripting


Project 2- Grep Command with 10 Examples

1-3: Find a Single Charterer, String, & Special Character in a Text File


4 and 5: Matching Lines Beginning or Ending with Certain Text


6: Matching Lines of a Certain Length with Grep command


7: Matching Lines That Contain Any of Some Regexps


8: Matching Lines That Contain All of Some Regexps


9: Matching Lines That Only Contain Certain Characters


10: Finding Phrases Regardless of Spacing


Homework- Bash Scripting Q/A

Practice Bash scripting


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